Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sorry bout it...

I haven't posted in a reallyyyy long time... and I'm sorry bout it. I suppose I'll just give a brief update of what all has happened since Harry Potter?

-Got a job offer with Apple! I'm accepting this week! WHOOP!

-Finals...and 1st semester grades..ehh...it's all about relationships and people right? Again, not my best...sorry bout it dad. hehe
-My brother turned 23! Wow... old geezer!

-One of my besties from high school, Elizabeth Mowrey, got engaged! Go check out her website!www.mywedding.com/lizandjasoncuster

-Carson Smith, one of my best friends from college, got engaged!

-Kenzie and Lex came to visit Falls town! I showed them the obviously amazing things about Wichita... the Fantasy of Lights, Rider High, the dirt hill, Samauri of Tokyo... success!

-Had Christmas with the Thornton side of the family and then the Bohuslav side. Best Christmas EVER!

I'll try to be better at updating! Life gets crazy busy sometimes!!!!