Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Here's to you, Ms.Chesnut!

This Tuesday, I awoke to my alarm, stretched my arms wide and remembered that it wasn't just any ordinary day. On October 26th, 22 years ago, a force came into this world and shook it up for the better! The name of this force...Kenzie Louise Chesnut. These are the events that occurred all before 9:00am on that day.

Upon awakening, Kenzie started her day off with a BANG! Her first words as a 22 year old..."I'm going to make my bed on my birthday. That will be nice." She then proceeded to check her blog. Kenzie screamed, "I just received the best birthday gift EVER! TWO new people I don't know are now following my blog!" The ordinary person would think this to be creepy. However, we have come to the conclusion that you know you've made it big when others you don't know, stalk you. haha Next, Kenzie rushed into our bathroom and began rustling around. Exiting the bathroom, she stubbornly said, "Thank you for my gift. Finally." If you observe this picture closely, you will see a chain with a "K" charm and some other random charms on it. I bought one for myself with an "L" about 2 months ago and Kenzie told me she wanted one for her birthday. I bought her the necklace and hung it on our jewelry rack as plain as day for her to observe but forbid her to even touch it before the big day. haha What a day to finally be able to take it down and sport it!

On a more serious note, I would like to dedicate today's blog to my amazing 22 year old roomie, Kenzie, and brag on her just a little bit!  Kenz is the best friend a girl could ask for. She constantly pushes me to be a better person,keeps me accountable to do the things I say I want to accomplish and comforts me at times when I really need someone to be there. Above all, Kenz keeps life interesting... for herself and for those who are around her. You will hear the phrase "That's so Kenzie" on any given day around our group of friends... but I just like to call her "quirky". Here are some things that make Kenzie, Kenzie!

-She has a heart for Asia-She is obsessed with boots-She can sport the "boyfriend" style as she simultaneously sports the "anthro" style... still trying to figure that one out-She has cool hair-She loves setting goals-She chews ice while chewing gum because she likes the change in textures-She eats like a rabbit-She thinks deeply-She slurs her words together-She is genuine, what you see is what you get-She chases after Jesus with all she has-She does random acts of kindness for others-Her personality is warm-She is spontaneous-She came from TCA... enough said-She's not afraid to tell you how it is, gently-She is ALWAYS happy.. except for when you beat her at cards... then she snaps...whoopsies-She is quick to apologize..haha-She is a loyal and truly good friend-She sees the good in others-She is a ROCKSTAR!

These are just a few things I can say about her. So here's to Kenzie Chesnut and her 22 years of life! CHEERS! You are loved and treasured, Kenz! :-)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Here Goes Nothin'

Hello! This is all so new for me and let me just say, writing your first post is extremely nerve-wracking. This blog may not be extremely artsy or impressive.. but hopefully, It'll be pretty entertaining.

Today at lunch, I met with the leader of my Grace Growth Group, Laura. We were talking about her love for photography and how she did something called "Project 365". Basically, she took a picture or two a day... everyday.. for a year! WHAT AN IDEA! I automatically made it a new goal of mine to take a picture a day until graduation.

I want to be able to document the big memories in my year along with those little treasured moments amidst seemingly "unimpressive" days. I also want to be able to go to "" as a gray haired granny and say.. "My, wasn't I a little firecracker in my hay-day!" That exact quote has been crossing my mind all afternoon when thinking about this blog.. not sure why... haha

So.. with this new "blog-thought" or should I say "blought" on my mind... I consulted a few folks who I like to call my roomies. Kenzie, Julie and Alexis have all started blogs and have been bugging me for months to start my own! They happily welcomed me into the blogging community and got me started. The hardest part of this process so far.. thinking of a NAME! Here are a few ideas my friends came up with...

-Lindsay Frenzy (Julie's idea..cute.. and almost made the cut)
-Through my "Linds" (my idea.. too similar to Brittany Griffin's "Through my Lens" blog..whoops)
-Still Smiling (Kenzie's idea which I deemed far too depressing)
-Sassy Cakeballs (also Kenzie's idea... umm?)
-Supportin' Thornton (my idea.. would be a good SBP blog I suppose..)
-Awake My Soul (my idea.. love Mumford and Sons.. but too artsy for my personality)
-So Sexy (Kenzie's idea because I use So Sexy VS hairspray everyday... but then she said I'd have weird people following me for the wrong reasons.. haha)
-Precious Moments (Allie's idea... just no.)

So.. at the end of the day... I stuck with one of Julie's ideas... "Oh SNAP". Come with me on this journey I call life... as Casey from the Bachelorette would say.."Here's my heart.. Jump in.. Stay awhile.." haha