Monday, October 25, 2010

Here Goes Nothin'

Hello! This is all so new for me and let me just say, writing your first post is extremely nerve-wracking. This blog may not be extremely artsy or impressive.. but hopefully, It'll be pretty entertaining.

Today at lunch, I met with the leader of my Grace Growth Group, Laura. We were talking about her love for photography and how she did something called "Project 365". Basically, she took a picture or two a day... everyday.. for a year! WHAT AN IDEA! I automatically made it a new goal of mine to take a picture a day until graduation.

I want to be able to document the big memories in my year along with those little treasured moments amidst seemingly "unimpressive" days. I also want to be able to go to "" as a gray haired granny and say.. "My, wasn't I a little firecracker in my hay-day!" That exact quote has been crossing my mind all afternoon when thinking about this blog.. not sure why... haha

So.. with this new "blog-thought" or should I say "blought" on my mind... I consulted a few folks who I like to call my roomies. Kenzie, Julie and Alexis have all started blogs and have been bugging me for months to start my own! They happily welcomed me into the blogging community and got me started. The hardest part of this process so far.. thinking of a NAME! Here are a few ideas my friends came up with...

-Lindsay Frenzy (Julie's idea..cute.. and almost made the cut)
-Through my "Linds" (my idea.. too similar to Brittany Griffin's "Through my Lens" blog..whoops)
-Still Smiling (Kenzie's idea which I deemed far too depressing)
-Sassy Cakeballs (also Kenzie's idea... umm?)
-Supportin' Thornton (my idea.. would be a good SBP blog I suppose..)
-Awake My Soul (my idea.. love Mumford and Sons.. but too artsy for my personality)
-So Sexy (Kenzie's idea because I use So Sexy VS hairspray everyday... but then she said I'd have weird people following me for the wrong reasons.. haha)
-Precious Moments (Allie's idea... just no.)

So.. at the end of the day... I stuck with one of Julie's ideas... "Oh SNAP". Come with me on this journey I call life... as Casey from the Bachelorette would say.."Here's my heart.. Jump in.. Stay awhile.." haha


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