Friday, March 11, 2011

Dedicated to my LOVES!!!! :-)

My loves.
They have blessed my life so much this year.
They are beautiful inside and out.

They are freshman. :)

 I didn't think they actually read my blog...because I figure most people don't...but SURPRISE! THEY DO!

So, ladies and they are!

Kaydee is incredible! Her love for life, her family, and kids make me smile every week! This girl is selfless and relational. Kaydee can be a little shy at first, but the moment you get to really know her, you find out she is a little fireball and is absolutely hysterical. I love it when I can make her laugh because it is the cutest thing in the world! haha The thing I have loved seeing in Kaydee this year is her love and care for others. After we do our studying and talking about life, we move onto prayer requests. There is not a single week when she doesn't want to pray for a member of her family or someone other than herself. She doesn't realize it, but I notice every single week and grin. :-) Kaydee is humble and always wants to learn more. Like I said before, she has such a tender heart for children and I think it reflects her childlike faith she has in the Lord perfectly. She's always wanting to learn and becomes a bright-eyed little girl when we get the chance to meet up each week. I LOVE WATCHING IT! She desires to know the Lord deeply and I love seeing how wise she is already. With the decisions she makes in her daily life, the people she surrounds herself with and her sense of discernment... Kaydee is an absolute stud. Just look at her... she even just looks so sweet and cute! haha

Emily amazes me every week. She is one of the most genuine and real girls I've met. Emily has the incredible ability to open up to you and be vulnerable. I admire this quality so much in her and I believe it shows her strength. She loves her family and friends and wants to become more like Christ every week. One big thing about Emily is that she is very curious! haha (she will laugh at that) She loves to climb trees, learn how to play the guitar, explore, and the one I like most...when she doesn't understand something we're studying, she'll ask questions and not just take it at face value. This quality in her has challenged me so much. I know that if I'm going to study the Bible with these girls, Kaydee will soak up every word we talk about and reflect on it later and Emily will ask plenty of questions right then and there...haha. It makes me study up more than I ever have on the Bible and know my stuff before I'm faced with these two! :-) This is Emily. She wants to find truth and she is constantly finding more and more, which has been awesome to see her growth just within these 2 semesters.

Oh, these two! :-) They are so very different...and actually, we all 3 are very different girls, but it has been one of the most incredible things I've done in college. We have been able to get to know each other's hearts in a relatively short time and grown together in, and because of, the Lord. I remember a few weekends ago, sitting at a table at their Initiation Luncheon and watching them hug and talk and I got teary eyed and all choked up!(...the maternal instincts in me, I suppose. haha) They have grown to love one another and I am confident that even when I can't hang out with them all the time, they will still be solid rocks for each other. Praise God for fellowship and praise God for not making us walk this life alone!

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