Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Feelin' Artsy?

Today's big adventure was an art project! All my roommates went home... along with everyone else in College Station... so I went outside and made myself useful!

First off, today was absolutely gorgeous. I know I can often times get so caught up in my own life that I forget to just go outside and BE! I went outside, turned on my Bon Iver playlist, and started at it.

My roommate, Kenzie, and I were coming home from a movie late one night when we passed this house that was under construction. There were all these beautiful, huge windows sitting by the dumpster waiting to be taken away. I made Kenzie stop the car for the "surprise" and we proceeded to put two windows in the back of her car. Kenzie made hers into a head board awhile back and I hadn't found the time to fix mine up.

This is what I decided to do with it! The pictures are hanging from wire. They are all my favorites from I used an old Bible of mine to paper mache the window! Hope ya like it! It's going in our kitchen!